How To Pick The Right Paint Colors For Your House

15February 2022

Picking house colours is not just hard, it’s terrifying, if you pick the wrong colours, you and as well as the neighbours would all be disappointed. Picking colours for your house takes up a lot of planning and if possible, it is advised that you consult an expert. Picking house painting colours is definitely not an easy task, so much that it is one of the toughest parts of having your house painted.

Because it is rather tricky, here are some tips that you can use if you are caught in the dilemma of picking which colour to put where.

Pick Colors That Compliment Your Home

The colours that you will pick should, of course, complement your home. If you live in a new one of which all the other houses in the neighbourhood are also new, then you can be more creative. In this setting, you can use whichever colours you want as long as it would look good and it will blend in the neighbourhood. However, you must not overdo it when you are picking the colours.

If you live in a lovely home that has been there for quite some time already, then you should pick colours that compliment the classic look of your home. For this, you can hire an expert to analyze what colours to put in order to restore your house to its original look. If you do not want this, you can put brighter colours; just make sure to do this right. If done right, the colours that may not match can make your house look more exciting.

Every part of your home should complement each other; this is very true when picking what colours you should put on your home.

Try To Blend In

If you notice, most neighbourhoods have that certain look. Considering the overall look of your neighbourhood, you could choose the colours in accordance with it. That is, when choosing the colours that you will be putting on your house, you should try to make it so that the house would have a contribution to the overall look of the neighbourhood. If this is not your goal, try at least not to stand out too much from the rest.

You don’t really have to blend into the point wherein your house would look like all other houses in the neighbourhood, you just have to see to it that with the colours of your house, you would fit in the neighbourhood. Not because of peer pressure, but because your house would look more welcoming and friendlier to neighbours this way.

Jazz It Up

While you have to consider your neighbours, what really matters is your opinion. After all, it is your house. So while blending in the neighbourhood, you can give it your own personal touch. If you follow a similar colour scheme to all of your neighbours, try to put in some detail. That is to put a little colour on other parts of the house.

While you can place your own personal touch, always remember to keep a balance. It would be best if the colours do not overpower one another but rather work together to make the house look better. 

At times, it is inevitable that one colour would stand out. If this is the case, then you should pick lighter colours such as white or off-white to stand out. These colours not only look better but they actually make the house look bigger, this is why most estates and mansions are white on the outside.