DIY Safety Tips for Roof Repairs

26November 2021

Have you noticed that your roof might be leaking? If you’re comfortable doing basic repairs and DIY projects, here are a few safety tips to keep in mind before you decide to climb on your roof and investigate the problem. Many people are seriously injured every year from falling off of roofs, so please don’t attempt roofing repairs unless you feel qualified.

Steps for staying safe during a do-it-yourself roof repair project:

  • Think Carefully About Your Decision – If you are reading this post, you have probably thought through the various things that could go wrong. If you are not a roofing professional, there are many dangers you may not be aware of, so be sure you feel confident to handle the tools and ladders required for roof repairs.
  • Wait for a Sunny Day – When it comes to a leaking roof, it’s always better to fix it sooner than later if possible. However, it’s always best to attempt roof repairs on a sunny and dry day. Even if it has rained earlier, you’ll want to make sure the ground is dry before placing ladders, etc. The risk of a fall is much greater because the roof will be slippery and not safe to walk on. This is also the case with snow and ice. If you have any hesitation about the safety of climbing onto the roof, please let a roofing professional come and do the job.
  • Rubber-Soled Shoes Are Best – This may seem like an obvious step, but always make sure that you have shoes on with good traction. Rubber soles are best. Many people fall while doing simple roof repairs, and most of these falls are due to improper shoes.
  • Wear a Roofing Harness – The small investment of a roofing harness could save your life. A roofing harness can be purchased or rented and is a must-have when doing roof repairs.
  • Find a Friend to Help – We highly recommend that any roof work or repairs be done as a team. The other person will serve as a spotter and a second set of eyes. They may identify issues that you can’t see from your vantage point.

When it comes to roofing repair, your safety is the number one priority. Unless you have experience with roof repair, we suggest that you consider hiring an expert to help. Roofing repairs are not something that a typical homeowner can do, so if possible, allow a qualified roof contractor to come in and help get the job done right.
For more information on spotting roofing problems, please give us a call! We’re here to help.

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